
Below is a list of icons you may find while going through the session pages. It might be useful to read through the explanations below to avoid confusion.

interaction Interaction: whenever this icon shows, the user's input is required. Examples of interactions include quizes, drag & drop activities and entering data to validate.
tooltip Tooltip: Placing the mouse over, a small box containing extra information will pop out.
interlink Internal link: a hyperlink to another page within the course or module. This page will open in the same browser window.
external link External link: a link to an external file which will open in a new window or tab. These will typically be either HTML or PDF files.
external link Below link: it will display data right below the button, typically in a hidden box.
external link Popup link: it will open in a popup window on top of the current browser window. They can be closed down or kept open for reference.
download Download. The file linked to his icon will be downloaded onto the system. Depending on the browser you are using, a dialog box might appear asking for confirmation.
word Microsoft Word file: on click, your browser will typically download this file.
excel Microsfot Excel file: as above, your browser will download the file onto your system.
Adobe Acrobat PDF Adobe Acrobat Portable Document File (PDF). A PDF file will be downloaded onto the system or open in a new window or tab.
Time for reflection. Whenever you see this icon, take a few moments to reflect on the question being asked. When you have done this, click on the button to reveal feedback.

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