Postpartum infecundability (cont.)

Duration of postpartum infecundability

In the figure below, click on the various legend elements to show the duration of postpartum abstinence, amenorrhea and infecundability (insusceptibility).

Figure 7: Median duration of postpartum abstinence, amenorrhea, infecundability (insusceptibility), latest DHS, various countries.

Median duration of postpartum abstinence, amenorrhea, insusceptibility, latest DHS, various countries. No country All countries 20 to less than 50 50 to less than 70 70 or more Median duration of postpartum abstinence, amenorrhea, insusceptibility, latest DHS, various countries. Median duration of postpartum abstinence, amenorrhea, insusceptibility, latest DHS, various countries. Median duration of postpartum abstinence, amenorrhea, insusceptibility, latest DHS, various countries. Median duration of postpartum abstinence, amenorrhea, insusceptibility, latest DHS, various countries.

Source: DHS STATCompiler ( External link/)

The medians in the above figure are obtained on current-status of the mothers. The medians are based on the proportion of women currently in postpartum abstinence, amenorrhea, or insusceptibility according to the time since the last birth. In Demographic and Health Surveys, women who gave birth within 3 or 5 years preceding a survey are asked if their period has resumed since the last birth and if they have resumed sexual relations since the birth.

The medians are calculated by smoothing the proportions of women by time since birth in month using three-group moving averages. The exact median month was calculated using linear interpolation and then by locating the first month where the proportions fall under 50%. The details can be found in Guide to DHS Statistics (2006) External link.